Meet the Staff
Mrs P Lambert – Early Years Lead and Nursery Teacher
Mrs C Matkowski – Teaching Assistant
Mrs C Tooth – Classroom Assistant
Our 3 year old children are based in their own room with an extensive outdoor area. This allows them to learn through active play giving them the opportunity to repeat and review movements and to explore the outside world. The Nursery environment is planned carefully to meet the needs of the children, using enhancements to follow the children’s interests to ignite their curiosity and imagination. We also follow our ‘Core Texts’ which enable the children to develop a love of reading.
We are pleased to be able to offer both 15 hour sessions and 30 hour sessions, for those children who are eligible. Please call the school office to discuss this further – 01325 380725.
Home/School Partnership
We begin our strong partnership with parents through our home visits, where the children can meet staff in their own environment. During their transition process the children and parents are invited to ‘Stay and Play’ sessions to explore the Nursery environment with staggered starts to enable a smooth transition into the Nursery. Throughout your child’s time at Nursery we continue to foster positive parent links by inviting you to Nursery to discuss your child’s progress by looking at their individual ‘Learning Journey’. We also hold events which all parents are invited to e.g. stay and play sessions, rhyme time, these enable parents to continue the learning at home.
You will receive your child’s weekly diary each Friday. This will contain a letter explaining what he children have been learning about that week at Nursery and a short activity for you to carry out at home with your child to reinforce their learning at home.
During your child’s time at Nursery staff will focus on the following:
Mathematical Skills:
- Learning to count forwards to 10, then 20 and backwards from 10 to 0
- Naming 2D shapes: circle, square, triangle and rectangle.
- Recognising numbers to 5, then 10 and put them in order.
- Learning to count objects accurately.
- Beginning to use the language of measures and size: long, short, tall, big, small.
Literacy Skills:
- Learning how to hold a pencil correctly and beginning to write own name.
- Listening carefully to a story and beginning to answer simple questions.
- Joining in with familiar stories using repeated patterns or phrases.
- Beginning to hear the first sound of simple words.
- Being able to draw simple figures.
Personal and Social Skills:
- Learning to share, take turns and play with both children and adults.
- Being confident to talk to others, including adults.
- Learning to listen to others and take turns in conversation.
- Developing independence in self-care skills e.g. toileting, eating/drinking
Take a tour of our 3 Year Old Nursery
Contact Information
Headteacher: Mr M Ramsay
Fenby Avenue
County Durham
01325 380725 |
Our School
In our most recent Ofsted inspection, the school was graded as ‘Outstanding.’ We provide high-quality teaching from caring, conscientious staff who are committed to ensuring that every child reaches their full potential.
Christian values are fostered within our friendly school and we were rated ‘Outstanding’ in our most recent Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS). We have links with Darlington Deanery and the Durham Diocese.
We are part of DNDLT
Follow us on Facebook!
Today we also say goodbye to Mrs Rossington, who will be on maternity leave until October. We all wish her very well and look forward to meeting Luigi (if you were in assembly, you will get the joke).
Happy Friday everyone.
This workshop is happening in the Year 4 class straight after school tonight and will last no longer that 30 min. Please, please attend to ensure your child is best supported for the Year 4 Times Tables Check.
Please note that there will be a covering school crossing patroller on site at Fenby Avenue from tomorrow morning.