Message from Mrs Valerie Cadd – St. John’s Chair of Academy Council
I became an academy councillor because I believe every child has a right to a high quality education and to attend an Outstanding School. It is my belief that all St. John’s Academy Councillors also want to do the very best they can for the school, the pupils and the local community. That is why they voluntarily give up so much of their time.
The Local Academy Council is the school’s accountable body. We work as a team in which constructive working relationships are actively promoted. The role is made easier by the fact that the school has outstanding leadership, committed and capable staff at all levels, wonderful children and extremely supportive parents/carers.
What does the Local Academy Council do?
It is responsible for the conduct of the school and for promoting high standards. The academy council aims to ensure that children are attending a successful school which provides them with a good education and supports their well-being and keeps them safe. It is also responsible for upholding the Christian character of the school.
Sets the strategic direction of the school by:
Setting the values, aims and objectives for the school
Agreeing the policy framework for achieving those aims and objectives
Setting targets
Agreeing the School Improvement Plan which includes approving the budget and agreeing the staffing structure
Challenges and supports the school by monitoring, reviewing and evaluating:
The implementation and effectiveness of the policy framework
Progress towards targets
The implementation and effectiveness of the School Improvement Plan
The budget and the staffing structure
Conducts self-evaluation
Ensures accountability by:
Responding to Ofsted reports when necessary
Responding to SIAMS reports when necessary (Church Inspection)
Holding the Head Teacher to account for the performance of the school, through support and challenge
Ensuring parents and pupils are involved, consulted and informed as appropriate
Making available information to the community.
Valerie Cadd
Chair of Local Academy Council