Each week in Collective Worship, we hear at a Bible story linked to our Christian Value.
This half term, we are focusing on ‘Hope.’ Click the links below to view the stories that give Christians hope.
Jesus Calms the Storm
The Parable of the Mustard Seed
The Story of Esther
Christian Festival Celebrations
Collective Worship at St. John’s
Contact Information
Headteacher: Mr M Ramsay
Fenby Avenue
County Durham
01325 380725 | admin@stjohnsceacademy.co.uk
Our School
In our most recent Ofsted inspection, the school was graded as ‘Outstanding.’ We provide high-quality teaching from caring, conscientious staff who are committed to ensuring that every child reaches their full potential.
Christian values are fostered within our friendly school and we were rated ‘Outstanding’ in our most recent Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS). We have links with Darlington Deanery and the Durham Diocese.