At St. John’s, we are extremely proud of our extra-curricular offerings. Throughout the school day we ensure our pupils are engaged in a range of activities. We have lots on offer after school, at lunchtime and during breakfast club. Look below to see what we are offering to our pupils currently.
Afterschool Clubs
All of our afterschool clubs run until 4:20pm and are completely free. We are proud to offer a huge range of activities for our pupils to participate in.
Afterschool Clubs at St. John’s
Lunchtime Activities
Our children love to keep active at lunchtimes and enjoy new opportunities to try a range of activites. Our lunchtime team and trained Young Leaders lead zones for pupils to ensure all children have the chance to have an active lunchtime and learn new and exciting skills. We do this through OPAL – Click Here to find out more!
Breakfast Club
Our very popular Breakfast Club runs from 7:45am to 8:40am, Monday to Friday. Children are offered a healthy breakfast (toast, cereal, fruit, juice etc) and can participate in a variety of games, activities and studies. The cost for working parents is £1.00 per day and it is free for pupils eligible for pupil premium funding.
Please contact the office if you wish your child to attend.