Contact Information
Headteacher: Mr M Ramsay
Fenby Avenue
County Durham
01325 380725 |
Our School
In our most recent Ofsted inspection, the school was graded as ‘Outstanding.’ We provide high-quality teaching from caring, conscientious staff who are committed to ensuring that every child reaches their full potential.
Christian values are fostered within our friendly school and we were rated ‘Outstanding’ in our most recent Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS). We have links with Darlington Deanery and the Durham Diocese.
We are part of DNDLT

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St John's CE Academy DarlingtonFriday, February 14th, 2025 at 9:50am
A great end to the week with lots of good news. As well as the usual Christian Values and Learning Powers, Ella was awarded the Golden Wellie for her fantastic imagination and role-play. Daulton is the latest child to receive the Quinn Cup for fantastic sportsmanship.
Happy Friday!
Happy Friday!
St John's CE Academy DarlingtonThursday, February 13th, 2025 at 9:37am
More great writing from Year 2. These are the children who are working really hard with Miss Hodgson. The hard work is definitely paying off.
St John's CE Academy DarlingtonWednesday, February 12th, 2025 at 11:51am
Year 2 have been introduced to the multiplication sign (x) today. Elias and Tyler have already got the hang of it!
St John's CE Academy DarlingtonTuesday, February 11th, 2025 at 7:50am
This year we are celebrating Safer Internet Day by looking at scams. Scams can affect both children and adults and can trick people into giving away information or even money! Figures from Ofcom claim that nearly 3.5 million British children have encountered a scam online, and it's vital we learn how to recognise their tactics and protect our youngsters against them. This handy guide gives parents and carers a summary of the risks and advice.
We have many more handy guides like this one available on our school website.
This year we are celebrating Safer Internet Day by looking at scams. Scams can affect both children and adults and can trick people into giving away information or even money! Figures from Ofcom claim that nearly 3.5 million British children have encountered a scam online, and it's vital we learn how to recognise their tactics and protect our youngsters against them. This handy guide gives parents and carers a summary of the risks and advice.
We have many more handy guides like this one available on our school website.